Magical World is a video adaptation of an epic fairytale originally written by Armenian writer Ghazaros Aghayan. Melissa Boyajian and Arpi Adamyan reinterpret the story through futuristic visuals combining high definition video and animation.
The project will be debuted this August in Yerevan at “In and Between the (Re)public,” the 2013 happening of the QY Collective. In supporting this film you will give us the opportunity to rent professional equipment needed for the production of the film as well as to pay and feed the cast and crew during our shoots. Depending on what amount of money you donate, you will receive a gift of either a button, a screen-printed original t-shirt, poster, HD DVD of the film, or a combination of these items.
Arpi Adamyan (b. 1985) is a multi-media graphic, photomontage, and video artist residing in Yerevan. She received her MFA in Graphic Arts from the Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts in 2008. Her work engages in the creation of queer and feminist spaces, alternative realms and parallel realities that exist in and between narrative, culture, and history.
Melissa Boyajian (b. 1980) is a multimedia artist working in photography, video, installation and performance art from Boston, MA, USA, currently living in Yerevan, Armenia. She received her MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in 2009 and her BFA from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell in 2003. Her work encompasses issues of post-colonial identity, cultural erasure, gender queerness, the control of knowledge as power and interpersonal power dynamics.
Read about this project and interview with Apri and Melissa in IANYAN Magazine: "Magical World: 19th Century Armenian Fairy Tale Gets Animated."
Join this project, only few days left. You can donate to the project at
The project will be debuted this August in Yerevan at “In and Between the (Re)public,” the 2013 happening of the QY Collective. In supporting this film you will give us the opportunity to rent professional equipment needed for the production of the film as well as to pay and feed the cast and crew during our shoots. Depending on what amount of money you donate, you will receive a gift of either a button, a screen-printed original t-shirt, poster, HD DVD of the film, or a combination of these items.
Arpi Adamyan (b. 1985) is a multi-media graphic, photomontage, and video artist residing in Yerevan. She received her MFA in Graphic Arts from the Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts in 2008. Her work engages in the creation of queer and feminist spaces, alternative realms and parallel realities that exist in and between narrative, culture, and history.
Melissa Boyajian (b. 1980) is a multimedia artist working in photography, video, installation and performance art from Boston, MA, USA, currently living in Yerevan, Armenia. She received her MFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in 2009 and her BFA from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell in 2003. Her work encompasses issues of post-colonial identity, cultural erasure, gender queerness, the control of knowledge as power and interpersonal power dynamics.
Read about this project and interview with Apri and Melissa in IANYAN Magazine: "Magical World: 19th Century Armenian Fairy Tale Gets Animated."
Join this project, only few days left. You can donate to the project at